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The essay will be a response to questions on the manifest destiny philosophy and the Mexican-American war. The manifest destiny is the idea that God destined the U.S. to expand its dominion and spread capitalism and democracy. That is across the whole North American continent, and the design assisted in removing Native Americans from their homes. Significantly, the rapid expansion intensified the slavery issue and led to the outbreak of the civil war. Notably, a high birth rate and brisk immigration helped in the explosion of the U.S. The Manifest destiny philosophy and the Mexican-American war are an essential part of the history of the U.S.
President James K. Polk was responsible for the most significant territorial expansion of the U.S. through the annexation of Texas. Moreover, he achieved the extension through the Oregon treaty negotiation and the conclusion of the Mexican-American war. Mainly, the Mexican-American war got concluded through the signing and ratification of the Guadalupe-Hidalgo treaty. Therefore, the U.S. was able to bring to control the states of California, Texas, Arizona, Nevada, and Washington. Significantly, President John Tyler began negotiations with the Republic of Texas, which resulted in the treaty of annexation. The Manifest destiny philosophy and the Mexican-American war contributed to the massive control of several states by the U.S.
For more information on the annexation of Texas and the Mexican-American war, click
The Mexican-American war was between the U.S. and Mexico from April 1846 to February 1848. Mainly, the conflict stemmed from the U.S.’ annexation of Texas in 1845. The war was due to a dispute on whether Texas ended at the Nueces River or the Rio Grande. The U.S. troops were regularly winning, leading to the U.S. acquiring more than 500,000 mils of land. Notably, President James K. Polk had prepared a war message to congress and justified hostilities by the Mexican government. Mexico’s attack of U.S. troops led to a war breaking out between the two countries. The essay will help in understanding the Manifest destiny philosophy and the Mexican-American war
For more information on the Mexican-American war and the Manifest destiny philosophy, click              

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