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The essay will focus on the various changes in nursing and nursing evidence-based practice. In the beginning, nursing had little to do with formal medical training. However, it had more to do with gender and a willingness to do the job. Mainly, women learned medical skills from their mothers or other women in the nursing profession. Women at the time were caretakers, and nursing was an extension of their roles at home. Notably, today the nursing profession has changed as there are more extensive training programs and more diversified staff. The article highlights changes in nursing and discusses nursing evidence-based practice. 
For more information on changes in nursing, click

How Nursing Has Changed Over Time

There are differing roles between ADN and BSN nurses when it comes to patient care decisions. Notably, all professional nursing programs prepare nurses to give care that satisfies the accepted standards. That is whether the procedures get performed personally or delegated to nursing assistants. The BSN program mainly emphasizes topics like informatics and research, while BSN gets little clinical experience carrying out procedures. Moreover, the BSN can get rewarded directly by some health systems through the clinical ladder programs. However, the ADN can get snapped up in a tight market, presenting an increased opportunity to study ADN. The essay will help in understanding changes in nursing and nursing evidence-based practice.
For more information on ADN and BSN nurses and changes in nursing, click
The nursing evidence-based practice continues to gain momentum, and the definitions vary definitely. Research, findings, clinical knowledge, basic science knowledge, and expert opinion are considered evidence in the medical field. However, practices that base on research findings are more likely to yield the desired patient outcomes. The impetus for evidence-based practice comes from payor and healthcare facility pressures for cost containment. Significantly, evidence-based research calls for changes in student education and more practice-relevant research. Moreover, it provides opportunities for nursing care to become productive, dynamic, streamlined, and individualized. The various changes in nursing have seen an increased demand for nursing evidence-based practice.
For more information on nursing evidence-based practice and improvements in nursing, click

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