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The essay will discuss conflict management styles, conflict resolution in nursing, and how collaboration can solve conflicts. Conflict management styles refer to ways in which people can resolve disputes amicably. Notably, some characteristics of various conflict management styles involve assertiveness and avoidance. Conflict management styles differ according to the work environment of an individual. Mainly, the avoiding technique of conflict management involves people avoiding confronting a conflict ultimately. Moreover, it consists of delaying decisions and removing oneself from a situation. The competing style involves addressing conflict directly and is usually an assertive tactic. Conflict management styles can help in efficient conflict resolution in nursing environments. 
For more information on conflict management styles, click
Collaborating in conflict resolution results in a win-win situation for both parties as they attain mutually beneficial outcomes. Mainly, it involves identifying parties with underlying concerns and getting an alternative that meets the other party’s interests. Collaboration is essential in nursing due to the high level of trust and long-term relationships involved. Moreover, the advantages of the collaborating style include reinforcing trust and respect, earning an excellent reputation, and practical problem-solving. Collaboration requires both parties to get committed to a mutually acceptable solution. Understanding various conflict management styles can help to practice sufficient conflict resolution in nursing and improve relations. 
For more information on collaborating in conflict resolution and conflict management styles, click
Conflict resolution in nursing is essential as the nursing profession bases on collaborative relationships with colleagues and patients. Moreover, nursing requires a close working environment among individuals with varying backgrounds. Primarily, diverse values among individuals can affect links leading to conflicts. Excellent conflict resolution skills can help in decreasing the chances of conflict erupting. Mainly, collaboration is the best approach in resolving a battle, as it is both an assertive and collaborative tactic. The tactic differs from avoidance and competition and focuses on a win-win result. However, collaboration requires a lot of time to materialize. The article will highlight conflict management styles and conflict resolution in nursing.
For more information on conflict resolution in nursing and collaboration problem solving, click

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