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This paper analyzes effective communication techniques in the business environments. Effective communication not only refers to the exchange of information but also the understanding of intentions and emotions behind the information. Also, it involves clarity in conveying messages and listening to gain the full meaning of the information. The business environment refers to all the internal and external factors affecting the functioning of a company. Moreover, it includes not only the employees and customers but also the management, supply and demand and regulations on the business activities. All these factors need to communicate effectively during business transactions.
Read more on effective communication techniques in the business environment at;
Organizations need effective communication techniques for the following benefits. First, increased productivity whereby the employees know what is expected from them hence work towards achieving the goals. Second, it leads to increased employee engagement and higher levels of creativity since they can openly communicate with the management of the organization. Third, it leads to the high quality of services and products as a result of consumer feedback which comes from communicating. Forth, effective communication improves the business environment by creating better workplace relationships between staff and the management. Lastly, it leads to greater levels of trust between members of the organization and commitment to the business activities.
Read more on the benefits of effective communication techniques in organizations at;
The business environment has the following elements. Political factors refer to the kind of influence the local government has on the business. Also, economic factors that look at the performance of the economy in the area. It accounts for inflation, competition, supply and demand, and the cost of running the business activities. Social factors analyze the aspect of the social environment in terms of both demographics and cultural trends of the society. Additionally, technological factors look at the prevalent technological trends that can be detrimental or beneficial to the organization. Lastly, environmental factors that involve effective communication techniques and practices within and around the business.
Read more on the elements of the business environment at;

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